As most good stories start these days…I was scrolling on TikTok… when I saw a video that nearly broke my brain. The video's primary topic was building wealth, but it was an offhanded remark that caught my attention.
“A healthy person has a thousand wishes. A sick person only has one.”
I can’t tell y’all how many times I rewatched that TikTok that day. Liked it, favorited it, downloaded it, and even made a wallpaper for my lock screen with that quote on it. I’ve always been very big on having perspective in certain situations, but that quote really unlocked a new level for me. This is right around the time I was reading a book about Estrogen Dominance and the preferred diet restrictions one should follow to help naturally balance hormones. The elimination diet took away nearly everything under the sun, and for a brief moment, it had me thinking it would be absolutely impossible to follow such a restrictive diet.
After seeing that quote and switching perspective to the “sick” person…there’s nothing I wouldn’t do. Warning: I’m going to get a bit dramatic here for just a second but honestly, think about this…what if you were sick to the point you were hospitalized and the doctor told you you could be healed by cutting sugar, processed foods, and switching to whole foods, would you not make that change immediately?
Let’s not wait until something “goes wrong” to take control of our health. It’s not always easy. It’s definitely not always fun. But it could be so simple. Do what you need to now so you don’t have to play the “What If Game” later.