Day by day - hour by hour - minute by minute and every idle second in between…you have to be aware of the thoughts running through your mind. Sounds intense right? Yea, because it is.
Let’s talk numbers:
A person thinks an average of 70,000 thoughts per day. SEVENTY THOUSAND!
About 80% of those thoughts are negative. That’s 56,000
Add to that, 90% of thoughts are repetitive thoughts from over time
That’s over 40,000 negative thoughts running wild in your mind daily. Seems unfathomable right? So, let’s break it down to more manageable numbers that our brains are used to working with to gain a better perspective by thinking in tens instead of thousands. If you have 70 thoughts a day and over 40 of them are negative and repeat daily…do you see how that can be problematic? Our thoughts are what run our lives & create our daily routines & habits.
Mental fitness is just as important, if not more, as physical fitness. I remember when I thought discipline and willpower was enough. And it was until the end of the arbitrary timeline or challenge I was doing came to an end then I would be wrecked. This is how the weight gets regained after all that hard work. There has to be just as much work done in the mind to make sure positive changes stick. So that you don’t fall back into the old systems and routines that caused the problem in the first place.
All that to say, be mindful.