Picture this…you wake up Saturday morning after a good night of sleep. Laze around a bit then get your place cleaned up before heading out for groceries. You’re walking to your carport and no car. Confused, you glance around wondering if you possibly parked elsewhere. Nope. Heart starts racing, blood gets pumping then you remember to breathe. You take a beat, walk the entire parking lot and still no car so you call the police.
That was my exact morning. Now long story short, my complex has some very strict parking policies so I was relieved to hear that my car was towed not stolen. But wait, why? Turns out when my car renewal came around, my license plates changed and whatever random tow truck came through here went purely by the plate. Ignoring the fact that the car is the exact make & model, VIN Number is the same and it’s all still registered to me. Was it on me to update my license in the system? Yes, I 100% own that. Could these people have used some discretion instead of literally taking my car like a thief in the night, maybe. And the cherry on top…it was $335 to get my car back from a salvage yard.
So what did I learn this weekend. The place I’m in is no longer serving me. I’ve made this place work for a long time but these policies the complex have in place are profit driven (shocker) with more and more things being added. I pay for services as a way to workaround the shortcomings and just have truly outgrown the space.
Another lesson, and more importantly, God will speak to you and teach you in a way that you understand. Did it break the bank to randomly have to spend $335, no but did it absolutely sting on principle, YES! I am such a person driven by principles and this lesson was served up in a way that made me realize I’m paying for my own property because someone did not have the courtesy to notify before towing my car without warning. Please note, there are a number of reasons for cars to be towed with the policy the complex has but majority of them do not actually get towed. The picking and choosing of when to follow the policy, not a fan.
Since it’s about the principle and not the money, I have received the message. Loud and clear. It’s hard leaving the comfort zone especially when everything is working out just fine. Or at least it seems to be. It’s not to say there’s not gratitude for the place I’m in but there’s also the reality of patch-working solutions together to meet my needs.
What this forces me to do is step it up in all areas of life. Does the job I have support a decision to move? Am I utilizing my skills to reach my best earning potential? So many questions that are easy to ignore when it seems like smooth sailing. Why purposely rock the boat?
Going with the flow may be taking you in the wrong direction.