Week one is done AND I actually stuck with it…for the most part! If you aren’t sure what I’m so happy about, check out the post from last week, #JDJChallenge. I have a white-hot streak of getting all fired up about a new adventure and then watching the flame burn out like a candle in a windstorm. So let’s recap. I challenged myself to come up with goals for the month, rewrite them daily on the front of an index card, and write a few tasks/actions I can take to advance those goals on the back of the card.
I want to take a moment to share those goals and some of the results from last week. I think it’s extremely important to have routines/habits in place to stay on track throughout the day. I start with a morning routine that consists of affirmations, visualization, reading, journaling, taking supplements, and skincare. I know it sounds like quite a bit to start the day, but it is very doable, especially since I’ve made it a point to stay off my cell phone for the first hour after waking up.
During the day, my goals are to drink a gallon of water, follow my meal plan, an hour of movement, and an hour of purpose. I currently have the joy of completing an “elimination diet” so I’m basically surviving on apples and air but more on that later. My hour of movement is focused on my strength training most days, but even on “recovery” days, I still want to make time for a walk, stretching or complete mobility movements. My hour of purpose is dedicated to advancing non-work-related adventures like this blog. My evening routine is quite simple; reset (clean) my rooms, take my supplements, and complete my skincare routine.
And the results are in! It may not sound like much, but after a week, I am down 2 pounds and did not cheat on my meal plan once. Not even a little bit which is huge considering how strict it is! I did miss a couple of days of hitting my water goal of a gallon, but I made it over 100 ounces a day which is still pretty good. My daily reading has gotten me halfway through the book “Think and Grow Rich.” My hour of movement has kept me on track with exercise and my hour of purpose has helped me organize and work on some exciting things I have planned for the future.
I’m going to keep going with my #JDJChallenge and keep y’all updated! Stay tuned!